1. Kebiasaan (Simple Present)
Rumus: S + am, are, is + ANA (Adjective, Noun, Adverb)
I am busy/Budi is busy/They are busy
Am I busy?/Is Budi busy?Are they busy
I am not busy/Budi is not busy/They are not busy
Why am I busy?Why is Budi busy?Why are they busy?
B. Ada kata kerja
Rumus: S+KK-I
I work/He works
Do I work?/Does he work?
I do not work/He does not (doesn't) work
Why do I work? Why does he work?
Ket: Untuk kalimat negatif dan interogatif, pakai "do" atau "does". "Does" khusus untuk subjek ketiga tunggal (he, she, it, Ali). Untuk kalimat positif, bagi orang ketiga tunggal, kata kerjanya ditambah "s". Tapi selain kalimat positif, kata kerjanya kembali ke bentuk awal (tanpa "s")
2. Sedang (Continuous Tense)
A. Tanpa kata kerja:
Rumus: S + am, are, is + ANA
I am in the room/Ali is in the room
Am I in the room?/Is Ali in the room?
I am not in the room/Ali is not in the room
Why am I in the room?/Why is Ali in the room?
B. Pakai kata kerja:
Rumus: S + am, are, is + KK+ing
I am studying/Ali is studying
Am I studying?/Is Ali studying?
I am not studying/Ali is not studying
What am I studying? What is Ali studying (Apa yang sedang
Ali pelajari?)
3. Lampau (Past Tense)
A. Tanpa kata kerja:
Rumus: S + was, were
I was busy yesterday/Budi was busy/They were busy
Was I busy?/Was Budi busy?Were they busy
I was not busy/Budi was not busy/They were not busy
Why was I busy?Why was Budi busy?Why were they busy?
B. Yang ada kata kerja:
Rumus: S+KK2
I worked yesterday/She went to Jakarta last week
Did I work yesterday? Did she go to Jakarta last week?
I did not (didn't) work yesterday/She didn't go to
Jakarta last week
Why did I work yesterday? Why did she go to Jakarta last
Ket: Untuk kalimat negatif dan interogatif pakai "did" untuk semua subjek. Kata kerja ke-2 hanya dalam kalimat positif saja. Dalam kalimat negatif dan interogatif tetap menggunakan kata kerja pertama.
4. Lampau-sedang
A. Tanpa Kata Kerja
Rumus: S + was, were + ANA
I was there at seven o’clock last night
Was I there at seven o’clock last night?
I was not there at seven o’clock last night
Why was I there at seven o’clock last night?
B. Ada Kata Kerja
Rumus: S+ was/were + KK+ing
I was playing at the time
Was I playing at the time?
I was not playing at the time
Where was I playing at the time?
5. Akan (Future)
Ada 2 rumus, yaitu “going to” dan “shall, will”.
A. Ada kata kerja
I. Rumus (“going to”): S + am, are, is + going to + KKI
I am going to study
Am I going to study?
I am not going to study
Why am I going to study?
II. Rumus (“shall, will): S + will, shall + KKI
Contoh pertama:
I shall study this afternoon (Saya akan belajar nanti
Will you study this afternoon? (Apakah kamu akan belajar
nanti sore?)
I shall not (shan’t) study this afternoon (Saya tidak
akan belajar nanti sore)
What will you study this afternoon? Belajar apa kamu
nanti sore?
Contoh-contoh lain:
I will study hard
What time will you go to bed?
B. Tanpa kata kerja:
I. Rumus (“going to”): S + am, are, is + going to + be + ANA
I am going to be here tomorrow
Am I going to be here tomorrow
I am not going to be here tomorrow
Why am I going to be here tomorrow
II. Rumus (shall, will): S + will/shall + be
I shall be here on Sunday
Will you be here on Sunday
I shall not be here on Sunday
When will you be here?
I have finished my work/He has gone
Have I finished my work?/Has he gone?
I have not finished my work/He has not gone
When have I finished my work/When has he gone?
B. Tanpa Kata Kerja
Rumus: S+have/has+been+ANA
Indonesia has been successful/ I have been there (saya sudah ke sana)
Has Indonesia been successful?/ Have you been there?
Indonesia has not been successful/ I have not been there
When has Indonesia been successful?/ With whom have you
been there?
- Kalimat “simple perfect” biasanya tanpa kejelasan waktu. Itu bedanya dengan past tense yang biasanya diikuti keterangan waktu seperti “yesterday”, “last night”, “on Sunday”, etc);
- “Has” untuk subjek ketiga tunggal.
6b. Sudah-sedang
A. Ada Kata Kerja
Rumus: S+have/has+been+KK+ing
I have been living here since January/ He has been living
here since January
Have I been living here since January?/ Has he been
living here since January
I have not been living here since January/ he has not
been living here since January
How long have I been living here?/ How long has he been
living here?
B. Tanpa Kata Kerja
Rumus: S + have/has + been + ANA
I have been disappointed since (saya kecewa sejak itu)
Have I been disappointed since?
I have not been disappointed since
Why have I been disappointed since?
6c. Sudah-biasa-lampau
A. Ada Kata Kerja
Rumus: S + had + KK3
I had taken a bath before I left home
Had I taken a bath before I left home?
I hadn’t taken a bath before I left home
What had I done before I left home?
B. Tanpa Kata Kerja
Rumus: S + had + been + ANA
He had been ill for a week when my parents came
Had he been ill for a week when my parents came?
He hadn’t been ill for a week when my parents came
How long had he been ill when my parents came?
6d. sudah-sedang-lampau
A. Ada Kata Kerja
Rumus: S + had + been + KK+ing
I had been waiting for two hours when he came/ He had been waiting for two hours when he came
Had I been waiting for two hours when he came?
I hadn’t been waiting for two hours when he came
How long had I been waiting when he came?
B. Tanpa Kata Kerja
Rumus: S + had + been + ANA
I had been here for an hour when he came
Had I been here for an hour when he came?
I hadn’t been here for an hour when he came
How long had I been here when he came?
6e. sudah-biasa-akan
A. Ada Kata Kerja
Rumus: S + shall/will have + KK3
I shall have finished it before you come (saya sudah akan menyelesaikannya sebelum kamu datang
Will you have finished it before I come?
I shall not have finished it before you come
When will you have finished it?
B. Tanpa Kata Kerja
Rumus: S+shall/will have+been+ANA
We shall have been here a week tomorrow morning (kami sudah akan seminggu di sini seminggu besok pagi)
Will you have been here a week tomorrow morning?
We shall not have been here a week tomorrow morning
How long will you have been here tomorrow morning?
6f. sudah-sedang-akan
A. Ada Kata kerja
Rumus: S + shall/will have + been + KK+ing
I shall have been living here a year next week (saya sudah tinggal di sini setahun minggu depan)
Will you have been living here a year next week?
I shall not have been living here a year next week
How long will you have been living here a year next week?
B. Tanpa Kata Kerja
Rumus: S + shall/will have + been + ANA
Ali will have been ill for a week tomorrow morning (Ali sakit sudah seminggu besok pagi)
Will Ali have been ill for a week tomorrow morning?
Ali will not have been ill for a week tomorrow morning
How long will Ali have been ill tomorrow morning?
Tidak semua kata kerja dalam continuous (waktu sedang) harus ditambah "ing". Ia bisa digunakan langsung tanpa akhiran "ing". Kata-kata kerja berikut, walaupun ia kata kerja, tapi ia tidak menunjukkan suatu pekerjaan. Kata- kata itu antara lain:
want, like, need, know, understand, mean, remember, have, forget, seem (nampaknya), cost (harganya), weigh (beratnya), contain (berisi), suppose (mengira), hate, wish, desire (menginginkan), consist of (terdiri dari), forgive, recognize (mengenal), own (memiliki), love, posses (memiliki), sound (kedengarannya), see, hear, prefer (lebih menyukai), doubt (meragukan), depend (tergantung) believe, distrust, dll.
Bila kita menggunakan kata-kata di atas dalam waktu sedang, kita tidak boleh menggunakan rumus waktu sedang (to be+kata kerja+ing), tapi gunakan rumus kebiasaan (simple) yang ada kata kerja.
PASIF (to be+KK3)
To be sesuaikan dengan waktu
1. Kebiasaan (simple present) : is, am, are
2. Lampau (past tense): was, were
3. Sedang (continuous): is, am, are
4. Akan (future): be
5. Sudah (perfect): been
1. Simple present (is, am, are + KK3):
This room is swept twice a day
Is this room swept a day?
This room is not swept twice a day
How many times a day is this room swept?
2. Past tense (was, were + KK3):
The letter was received yesterday
Was the letter received yesterday?
The letter was not (wasn't) received yesterday
When was the letter received?
3. Continuous (sedang) (is, am, are + being + KK3):
My bike is being used by my little brother
Is my bike being used by my little brother?
My bike is not being used by my little brother
By whom is your bike being used?
4. Future (be + KK3):
They will be transferred (Mereka akan dipindahkan)/They are going to be transferred
Will They be transferred?/Are they going to be transferred?
They will not be transferred/They are not going to be transferred
Where will they be transferred? Where are they going to be transferred?
5. Simple-perfect (sudah-biasa) (been + KK3) (menggunakan have/has):
The roads have been repaired
Have the roads been repaired?
The roads have not (haven't) been repaired
How many roads have been repaired?
6. Perfect-past-simple (sudah-lampau-biasa) (been + KK3) (menggunakan had):
The goods had been despatched at the time (Barang-barang itu sudah dikirim pada waktu itu)
Had the goods been despatched at the time?
The goods had not (hadn't) been despatched at the time
How many goods had been despatched at the time?
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